With so much enthusiasm for her little book, Jenn decided to contact The Agent. Now The Agent was known throughout the land for casting off unknown authors and bestowing its praises on only a select few chosen manuscripts. Surely Jenn's little bestseller with all its accolades would be among them. But alas, she too was forsaken by The Agent.
Saddened by her rejection, Jenn wandered into the Forum Forest where she happened upon some Knowledge Fairies. The Knowledge Fairies gave Jenn a precious gift - the answer to why The Agent had so readily dispensed her hard work and passion. 'Twas the plight of those who chose to market their own books they said. For The Agent was only interested in virgin books that had not yet seen the light of day.
Although she was grateful for the gift handed down by the Knowledge Fairies, she found little comfort in their wisdom. Had her love of her work inadvertently sealed its fate? Would The Agent mend its evil ways and grant Reunion a coveted second chance?
Sadly, I do not know how this fairy tale ends. Only time will tell ...